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"When Jomres users ask for custom code, we always recommend Rod. He has been working on Jomres for over ten years"
- Vince Wooll, creator of Jomres
We tailor Jomres to your exact needs.
Integrate any service into Jomres.
Convert any template to Jomres.
Capture the full power of Jomres.
I have been working full-time with Jomres for more than a decade. I am the most highly recommended Jomres specialist. Save your time, get it right the first time and give your business the best shot: let me do it for you.
Our subscriptions plans
Hinde Lodges - CEO
"It is great working with Rodrigo for his creativity, commitment and speed. He surprises us every time!"
Cistern Gulf - CEO
"I have the great pleasure in introducing Mr. Rodrigo as a Superstar coder and a business partner that belongs to the rare and finest categories of coders in this world. Another great quality that he had was to understand my requirements upfront ..." Read more
Travel Expert - CEO
"Rodrigo has done a few bits of work for my site Go Languedoc. He is always on the ball, delivers on time and the customisations really enhance Jomres."
Golanguedoc - CEO
"Rodrigo's work is worth recommending. His plugins work flawlessly and the speed and quality of his support is second to none! I look forward to continue working with you."
Algarve - Director
"Thank you for coding my custom plugin for Jomres, I am truly impressed by the quality and speed of your job. I have also bought your email enhancer, WAUW is the only word I have got !"
Dock King - CEO
"I just want to take the opportunity here to say that you or your team has been great to work with and the work performed has been stellar. Looking forward to continuing this project with you. "
From JED - JPD sh404SEF for Jomres
"Extension boost my google ranking - I have a german website and many Jomres URLs generate in english. After I Install the plugin and translate all importand keywords my google ranking boost on top. Great plugin and fast suport."
From JED - JPD MultiDelete & Clone Property.
"Very useful and great support! - It is very easy to use, self explanatory. The support is excellent. After an update of Jomres, there were only a few hours after the right update of the plugin."
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sh404SEF integration plugin for Jomres with multilang support.
Jomres Min. Ver. | 8.1.1 |
CMS | Joomla! |
Multilang | Yes |
This plugin adds sh404SEF integration to Jomres, is customizable by webadministrator from Jomres backend cPanel where you can set the SEF alias as your own wishes, supports multilingual websites meaning: If one of the properties name in english is "propery-name" and in spanish "propiedad-espanol" then the url in english will be and url in spanish will be . Also let you set up the sef alias in any language installed in the system, lest take as example the booking form in english will be (book can be configured at backend to whatever you want (i.e. bookings instead) to any of your system languages), in spanish will be (reserva can be configured at backend to whatever you want (i.e. reservas instead) to any of your system languages). Then a script will take those saved alias from the database and will generate the constants sh404sef language file required from the component.
If you have purchased a pack/bundle subscription, you have a year access to downloads, updates and support. For individual plugin purchases the access is for 6 months. After that period, you can keep using the version you have installed. However, you will no longer be able to update to newer versions or receive support. You can choose to renew your subscription to gain access again.
You can install the extension on as many domains as you want. There is no domain check or restriction.
The extensions are fully open source and the code is NOT encrypted in any way. No use of Zend Optimizer or ionCube.
Have in mind that If you alter the plugin then you will not receive support.
The JPD Bundle or JPD Theme Pack are valid for a whole year whereas any single plugin purchase is valid for 6 months.
Supscriptions will NOT auto-renew. If you want to extend your subscription, you will need to buy a renewal manually.
Renewals will extend your subscription, for the JPD Bundle and JPD Theme Pack if you renew before the expiration date then you get a 20% discount.
If you have a credit card you can still pay via the Paypal connection without needing a Paypal account.You can fill your credit card details in the form that appears. You don't need to create a Paypal account there.
If you still don't want to pay via PayPal so you avoid to pay their commission then at checkout there is the option to pay with credit card.
Supscriptions will NOT auto-renew. So they expire after the expire date.
This means that you don't have to cancel your subscription. Just let it run out.
v6.3 21 nov 2018
+Added support for Jomres property categories menu item.
v6.2 19 mar 2018
+Updates needed for Jomres 9.10 menu items.
v6.1 15 mar 2018
+Updates needed for Jomres 9.10 PM.
v6.0 18 may 2017
+ Jomres 9.9 support.
v5.1 25 oct 2016
+ Joomla! 3.6 router support.
v5.0 25 oct 2016
+ JPD Jomres Tagging plugin support.
#A bunch of notices.
v4.1 02 aug 2016
+ Jomres 9.8 support.
#A bunch of notices.
v4.0 28 mar 2016
+ PHP 7 support.
v3.2 26 jan 2016
#Weird bug breaking AJAX calls in some ocasions.
v3.0 07 may 2014
+ Option to set viewproperty alias as blank
#Path bug.
+ Jomres 8.1.1 support
v2.0 11 mar 2013
+ Back-end bootstrap template.
-Missing var_dump.
"I have the great pleasure in introducing Mr. Rodrigo as a Superstar coder and a business partner that belongs to the rare and finest categories of coders in this world. Another great quality that he had was to understand my requirements upfront as he gave excellent suggestions of a problem or product feature before proceeding to write codes..Each time I explained a feature or a problem he had a close to perfect solution and knew how to make clean, beautiful, elegant, effecient codes without me putting a lot of agonizing effort. I never had a wasteful code or tweeks from Rodrigo.I can’t remember a time when I was not happy and was always more than satisfied with what he did at the end of the day. Rodrigo’s professional attitude impressed me deeply on many occasions and he did that by not compromising on the quality. I am overall pleased and happy with Rodrigo and he won’t let you done. He saved our company’s time and money without losing any high standards that was expected by the company. My working relationships were very close and were fortunate to have many positive professional experiences from him which was proven time and again. Overall, Rodrigo is exceptionally knowledgeable, extremely patient, and very dedicated person. I look forward to the opportunity to work with him again pretty soon. I highly recommend and fully endorse Rodrigo job services as he will always surpass any client’s expectations anytime and anywhere. Yes he can create invaluable phenomenal success stories!"
I’ve started at early age of 12 years old to learn Clipper and quickly realised that programming was what I wanted so when finishied the High School I started studying ‘Computer Systems Engineering’ at university where all the programming classes were based on C++ , After 4 years then I've started travelling.
In 2008 I got back to coding focused on web development.
Back in 2010 I had the chance to make an online booking project and came across Jomres. After I launched the website custom development requests started to come up frequently and I haven't stopped since.
I only code Jomres based projects and in 2012 we launched ‘Jomres Plugins & Development’ and here we are. Vince (Jomres founder and lead developer) made me Jomres forum moderator where I’ve made more that 4000 posts. I have also developed a good library of Jomres plugins that have been installed into hundred of websites. I have also been involved with hundres of custom development project of many flavors, colors, complexities, did what it’s probably the best Jomres based website out there: Quirkyaccom.
Please remember it is included in any of below packages...
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